Aim to have fun

What's new

We are pleased to announce our 2024/2025 season! Are you as excited as we are to get back to BBB Archery?

BBB members can participate in the Indoor MailMatch that runs from January to March each year! Find all the information on our Competitions page.

BBB Executive Board
President - Sarah W
VP - Lisa H
Secretary - Tracey H
Treasurer - Wendy H
Web & Social - Shannon B
Past President - Deb C

Read all the past news on our News page.

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At BBB, we AIM to have FUN!

And, we are excited that we are back for the 2024/2025 season.

Bows, Broads & Bullseyes Archery Club is a women-only archery club (started in 2013) that meets at Heights Archery on Portage Avenue in Winnipeg, MB, Canada (every second) Friday evening during our shooting season.

We welcome new to experienced women archers, who use a full range of equipment (sorry, no cross bows). Equipment can be rented from Heights Archery if you don't have your own.

We are not a competitive club - but a club to have fun, to socialize and perhaps to improve your archery skills a wee bit. That said, there are competition opportunities for those who would like to go that route. We meet early enough in the evening for those who go to bed early, or those who stay out late, to participate.

Make sure you check out all the details on this website. But if you have any questions, be sure to ask.

Whether you are a seasoned archer or a complete newbie, we would love to have you join us. And don't forget to bring a friend or two. The more the merrier!

Bows, Broads & Bullseyes Archery Club is a member of Archery Manitoba. All BBB club members are required to have an Archery Manitoba membership.

Thanks to all the members who have joined BBB since our very first shoot. We started with just four archers in October 2013. Thanks to a newspaper article by David Sanderson of the Winnipeg Free Press and news reports by CTV's Meghan Roberts and Karen Rocznik, we've had forty-two women try out our club that first year. With the changes in our member structure the second year, we had far less numbers, but the ladies who are still with us are committed to becoming better archers and having fun while doing it. And, we couldn't be happier!

If you are considering trying out archery, we encourage you to come check us out!

Land Acknowledgement

Winnipeg is located within Treaty No. 1 Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinabe (Ojibway), Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dene and Dakota, and is the homeland of the Red River Metis.